Comfort is one of the key needs of a living being. "Fish looks for deeper water, man for better places to live ". Absolute masters of comfort are cats. We can say that the representatives of the cat family are the most comfort loving creatures.
Comfort is a very subjective thing. One needs feather pillows and ultra-soft furniture to achieve comfort, for another it’s enough to have a tent and fresh wind. One thing is certain: the fruits of technological progress can make life easier for lovers of ANY comfort. It is the choice of everyone whether to enjoy the benefits of civilization or not!
Man always strives for comfort. But what is comfort?
With the development of technologies, solutions in the field of improving comfort will be an important area in the activities of innovators.
Great comfort 2040 will mean a lot of improvements in all spheres of human life.
The first a series of articles about comfort for the FutureBook of OmniGrade will be devoted to the home comfort.
Home comfort. Part 1.
Perhaps, home comfort is a very wide sphere. For convenience, the article will be divided into several parts.
According to Wikipedia, mode of life is a way of everyday life of a person in which his physiological needs are met. These are daily, routine affairs, so unloved by many people. We recall Mayakovsky with his «love boat on the rocks» or Paolo Coelho with his edgy quotes about the routine: "If you think that adventure is dangerous, try routine - it's deadly!" As for me, I really appreciate the opinion of Jacques Fresco, an American futurist: "If technology does not liberate all people for the pursuit of higher aspirations in human achievement, then all its technical potential will be meaningless."
Comfort in space.
The number of square meters per person is the first sign of comfort. The greater space the person occupies, the better is the feeling of comfort.
Since the number of people is growing steadily, and there can’t be more land overall, in the future the problem of personal space will be solved in several ways:
1. Construction of floating megacities.
Many innovators work in this area. Faced with the problem of overpopulation on earth, the forward-thinking seniors are looking toward the development of the water areas of the earth.
2. Growth of cities upwards.
The construction of a multi-level transport infrastructure will give impetus to the movement of cities up.
Transport rings (which will act as stiffeners) will connect high-rise buildings. The streets will not go horizontally, but vertically. House No. 1 – at the ground, and No. 150 - above the clouds.
3. Development of the "bigger inside than outside" technology.
Preconditions for the development of technology are the eternal secret of women's handbags. Many science fiction writers have used the "bigger inside than outside" technique when describing the future. There are several ways: creating illusions of greater space inside or a true breakthrough in space physics that will allow to compress space and to stack one into another.
4. Adaptation of territories with an aggressive external environment for living.
Territories of extreme heat or extreme cold, excessively arid and extremely humid ... Seeking minds will find a way out and will be able to organize livable human environment. And aggressive factors will be learned to use for good.
This part of the article will be supplemented ...
Visual comfort.
The most important part of a comfortable living environment is what we see around us. In many northern regions of the world, the question of what we see is very relevant in view of the short daylight hours.
In some regions, daylight lasts only 1-2 hours a day. That is, the remaining 22-23 hours people are in artificial lighting conditions.
In addition, in any climatic conditions, megacities live at night.
The issue of lighting today is being addressed very inelegant. The "beauty" of wires often looks like this:
or like this:
In the future, electricity will be supplied to the device without direct contact between the device and the source of electricity. Today, the wireless charging technology is already "in the masses". In 10-20 years, the same technology will allow to illuminate streets much more efficiently, elegantly and personalized.
There are several options:
An important component of visual comfort is not only what is around us, but also how it is perceived by a person. And here the scope of AR technologies (technologies of augmented reality) application is really wide. Already by 2030, augmented reality devices will be used everywhere. Programs giving possibility to change the reality will be built-in in such devices: one will make the face of the partner more attractive or will change it to the face of the favorite actor, another "will construct" a pet and instead of a dog will see a smooth purple monster or a giant spider. With the help of such technologies it will be possible to change the grey reality and download the AR-program for hiking. For example, the program “Barcelona” will allow residents of the snowy Tarko-Sale to imagine themselves walking along the European capital with a stunning architecture.
During the walk, they can look at architectural sights, admire the beauty of nature or feel part of the distant world. Such AR-programs will greatly brighten the everyday life of the inhabitants of many cities, expand knowledge about the world and lift the mood. The inhabitants of Africa will see snow, and the indigenous peoples of the North - jellyfish.
And most importantly, with such innovations, life will become much more comfortable and more fun!
The following articles on comfort for the FutureBook of OmniGrade I will write about travel and journeys, comfort in communications, ecological comfort (how to live eco-friendly and comfortably), about comfortable discomfort and other facets of this topic.
Dear readers! With udovlstviem podiskutiruyu on the topic of future comfort! It would be convenient here - in the format of comments)
As for the comfort of the household - do you think there is a prospect of a jump to a new level of comfort in the near future? The last such jump occurred with the mobilization of communication (when the communication devices "went out into the street" and got rid of the wires). I would like to hear opinions on what will be the next leap?