What is OmniStore?
OmniStore - a place where you can exchange special points, OmniCoins, for unique and exclusive awards.
How to get OmniCoins?
To get OmniCoins you need to be an expert. OmniCoins is encouraging that the experts receive for participating in the OmniSource discussion customers. OmniCoins are distributed among the experts in accordance with The rules of awarding with OmniCoins.
How do I know how much OmniCoins I have?
Information of gained and available quantity of OmniCoins is available in your profile. In addition we send you email notification about added and full quantity of OmniCoins every time you awarded.
How to order in OmniStore?
In order to make an order, you must write a letter to store@omnigrade.com. The letter should you have to specify what item and how much items you would like to receive. After that operator of OmniGrade will contact you to agree on the details of preparation.
You can get full format description of OmniStore and OmniCoins, rules of its obtaining and spending, other experts' opportunities from "Provision on the OmniGrade experts rewards programme".
You can also view presentation for OmniStore suppliers and make request for publication of your lot.