Michael Treyvish known as the founding father of the factoring market in Russia. In 2015 it will be 20 years since he first became involved in the world of factoring. The pinnacle of his career - the position of Chairman of the National Pravdeniya factoring company, which he held in 2004-2009. Now Michael Treyvish - Chairman of the Asian branch of the International Factoring Association IFG and travels a lot - he had been in Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Mongolia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines ... Michael Treyvish - founder of crowdsourcing platform OmniVision, which he intends to turn into one of the largest global corporations. Michael is very passionate about crowdsourcing and came to very interesting and nontrivial conclusions about the future role of crowdsourcing in business, economics, public sector and culture. You can have dinner with this interesting person and ask him any questions just .... OmniKoynov. Time and place of dinner you reconcile with Michael, based on your and his schedule. Bill payment and shipping costs (if the restaurant will be located in another city) - at your expense.