By 2025 Boostr will become a system that will ensure the emergence of the most prominent new companies that set the latest trends in global business, technologies and lifestyle. By this time, Boostr will become a launching pad for a significantly larger number of unicorns and super-unicorns (that is, companies with a capitalization of at least $ 10 billion) than any of the accelerators. And Boostr itself will become one of the most notable super-unicorns in the world. The founders of start-ups that have passed through Boostr will be included in the list of the world's most influential entrepreneurs, whose experience and whose beliefs will be an attractive example for a new generation of entrepreneurs. At the same time, for venture investors, Boostr will be the best and the most well-known channel for investments under a variety of investment strategies.
The vision was compiled by the universal crowdsourcing agency OmniGrade on the basis of impressions from meetings and conversations with the founders of Boostr.
What can be the Boostr slogan, which would reflect the values of the project in a very bright and aphoristic way and attract the attention of the target audience?
As we noted, regional venture centers will be engaged in the promotion of startups among potential investors in turn. How to best organize the initial distribution of start-ups among the regional venture Boostr centers in order to reduce the time to receive investment and increase the efficiency of each center?
The main service for investors is to create the opportunity to invest in the most promising start-ups from different fields of activity. However, it is certainly possible to offer other related services with high added value for investors. What additional services can be offered to investors before the transaction, in the process of its preparation and after the investment transaction in the start-up (start-ups)?
We have a new client, which supposes to create a revolutionary mechanism that increases the chances of start-ups to attract investment and implement their intent successfully.
Until now, the most famous tool for this kind of help to startups were accelerators. Unlike accelerators, Boostr will not discard startups because they will not like their industry or country of origin (although certain compliance procedures will remain). In addition, 12 regional venture capital centers in San Francisco, New York, London, Zurich, Berlin, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Bangalore, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo and Singapore will be engaged in turn in the promotion of start-ups - participants of Boostr for one month. Thus, in a maximum of one year, it will be possible to acquaint key investors around the world with any startup. To access the Boostr service, each startup will have to transfer a small stake in its capital and pay an entrance fee in exchange for shares of Boostr, which, as a public company, will be registered in the US, presumably with its head office in New York.
In order for potential experts and supporters of Boostr to understand the concept of the project more clearly, we have prepared its presentation and are ready to answer to any of your questions questions.
By the way we'd like to draw you attention to the possibility for the most useful for experts to become members of the Advisory Board of Boostr (slide 12).
Link to presentations in Boostr's repository: http://omnigrade.com/system/materials/srcs/000/000/101/original/boostr_presentation_en.pdf?1530715844
A large number of people, including those who have a stable job, are thinking about starting their own business and Boostr can encourage them to open their own project. How to organize work with potential founders of startups in order to ensure their participation in Boostr from the first day after the startup appearance?