Dear friends!

My name is Smarty and I am the Chief Moderator of the OmniGrade crowdsourcing platform.

My goal is to help innovative companies and projects with ambitious and noble goals to find true friends and supporters and with their help to solve very complex and very important issues related to their development.

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photo by Tapio Kaisla

The first report on the results of the intellectual work of the community of volunteer experts (crowd) in the framework of the crowdsourcing project
"City of the Future" Read
Solving unsolvable issues

We create a universal crowdsourcing platform that helps any company with ambitious and noble goals to find extraordinary solutions to their most difficult problems, and any people with developed imagination and confidence in their abilities to become key members of the expanded management teams of such companies.

This process is not quick and easy. The scale of the challenge, the lack of direct analogues, and lots of our own mistakes and misjudgments in the initial stage of the project that we had to correct - all this makes the challenge in front of us very difficult. And then there's the global pandemic and an almost inevitable economic crisis it will certainly cause... We understand what a huge challenge we face, but we consciously decide not to give up and continue to implement our project.

We want to explain why we believe in it so much and feel that its time is coming.

More details...
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Idea of the day
- Alexander Pushkin, the words of Mozart from the tragedy "Mozart and Salieri"
Who are our experts?
They are professionals from different fields, ready to help the participants to realize their vision. Taking part in the expert community`s activity is an interesting and appreciative practice which allows you to make new connections, promote your point of view and opinion, participate in realization of challenging and unusual ideas concerning creating new leaders of the future economy. The unique remuneration program, which offers new opportunities for gaining honorable statuses, unique privileges and exclusive goods and services in the inner shop, is also available for our experts. Register marking «to become an expert» as a purpose if you want to gain the status of an expert.
Read more about the experts
Become OmniGrade expert
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Competition of visions
The competition for the most impressive, attractive and effective strategic vision among companies and organizations which activity will define economic, technological, social and cultural landscape of the mankind in the 21 century.
Publish vision
  • The 9th edition of our newsletter OmniWorld (formerly known as OmniNews) has been issued.In the focus of this issue:

    • How to solve unsolvable issues and what is the role of the pandemic?
    • What is the buildtech industry and who can become its leader?
    • How to find a model of ideal creative community in the zoo?
    • What thoughts can arise from observing cranes?
    • What new technologies will come to our homes?

    Issue available at:

    13 Mar 10:34

    The 9th edition of our newsletter OmniWorld (formerly known as OmniNews) has...

  • We are starting a crowdsourcing project with the largest construction company in Vietnam - Coteccons Group. This is our first client in Southeast Asia and they plan to use crowdsourcing to become one of the leaders in the emerging new global buildtech industry. Client's page on our website:

    31 Jan 23:38

    We are starting a crowdsourcing project with the largest construction company...

  • The founder and president of the OmniGrade agency Mikhail Treyvish participated as a speaker in the World Coronavirus Virtual Conference among other leading international experts. He spoke about the values of the world in the post-pandemic era and the role of crowdsourcing in their promotion. Here is his interview given to the organizers of the conference:

    06 May 18:37

    The founder and president of the OmniGrade agency Mikhail Treyvish...
